Why we plant trees
At The Zoofamily, our goal is to offer amazing child friendly cameras for a great price, but we also think it is important to take care of the planet while we're at it. Not just to offset our CO2 emissions, but also to contribute to the regrowing of wildlife habitats and raising awareness.

Shopping online
Being an online-only company, we knew that shipping our products wasn't going to be great for the planet. Society's shift towards shopping online is taking its toll on our planet, so we wanted to make a positive contribution while involving our customers in the process.
That’s why we decided to plant a tree for every camera sold. Well, actually, you plant your own tree, in our Zoofamily forest. Without even getting your hands dirty. In a bit to offset our CO2, we partnered with Tree-Nation to support their forestry efforts. Our little forest will grow as we do.

With four major projects in Nicaragua, Colombia, Niger and Madagascar, and with over 110 000 people and 1000 companies engaged, we believe this organization can make a meaningful impact on a global scale. Below we will explain how all this works.

Villamatsa, Madagascar
We are currently supporting the Eden Projects in Madagascar, Africa. In response to the large-scale loss of mangroves and upland forests in Madagascar Eden Reforestation Projects initiated the Madagascar Reforestation Project. The program began in 2007 and since its inception Eden has successfully planted over 16 million mangrove and dry deciduous trees in northwest Madagascar.
The overall goal and purpose of this project is to support to local communities to plant and manage mangrove forests on community land surrounding the village. It also offers longer-term employment to local communities and livelihood improvements to the workers.

How it works
So you've made a purchase or are thinking of making a purchase at our store, fantastic! After you've placed your order you will first receive a confirmation email from us about your order, with a receipt of your purchase. You will also receive a separate email with the title ‘Zoofamily offered you a tree on Tree-Nation.' For every purchased item at our store, we will plant 1 tree (example: 5 cameras = 5 trees). If you do not see it in your inbox, please check under promotions or your spam inbox.